
Filius deperditus inter scorta – El hijo prodigo bive luxuriosamente – Il figliol prodigo vive lussuriosamente


ARTIST: Remondini

YEAR: about 1780

SIZE: 430x325mm

TECHNIQUE: Etching copper engraving

Etching published by Giuseppe Remondini (1745–1811) in Bassano, from a series setting the Parable of the Prodigal Son (as recorded in Luke 15) upon a refined eighteenth-century urban stage. Under the scene: “Filius deperditus inter scorta / El hijo prodigo bive luxuriosamente” (The lost son among the prostitutes / The prodigal son lives luxuriously). In the third scene, amid the splendor of a brothel,  the wayward protagonist explores the pleasures to be purchased with his new wealth.

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